AOII infinity rose

Inspire Ambition

Middle Tennessee State University - Rho Omicron


Alpha Omicron Pi's

Core Values


Commitment to

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on a promise to serve not only one another but the greater community as well. This commitment reflects a philosophy of friendship, concern, and usefulness in the world.


Commitment to

Whether a member chooses to serve as a chapter officer, or represent AOII as a member of other campus or community organizations, there are numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills as a member of AOII.


Commitment to

AOII encourages all members to excel academically and has many programs designed to assist women in achieving their academic goals. Expectations are high but the support provided by scholarship programs, academic development officer resources, and fellow members makes success attainable.


Commitment to
College Loyalty

From collegiate years on through alumnae involvement, the reason AOIIs continue service is the joy of spending time together and sharing the insights learned from the relationships we build and sustain.

Want to learn more about becoming a Sister?

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Letter from the President

Hi! My name is Miranda Blair, and I have the honor of serving as the Chapter President for Alpha Omicron Pi at Middle Tennessee State University. I am thrilled you found your way over to our website! Please take some time to have a look around and see why we are so proud to call Alpha Omicron Pi our home! In the meantime, allow me to share a little bit of my AOII story with you. When I came to MTSU in the Fall of 2023, I felt a little overwhelmed and very alone. I have always loved being a part of organizations and teams, so I decided to sign up for sorority recruitment. No one in my family had been involved in Greek life, but I decided to step out into the unknown anyway. More than anything, I wanted to join a sisterhood that would push me to become the best person, student, and leader that I possibly could be. Alpha Omicron Pi has given me that and so much more. The 18-year-old version of myself, who was scared to death to go out of her comfort zone, would not believe me if I told her she would become Chapter President one day. If it were not for the women surrounding me and this place that I have the privilege of calling home, I would not be where I am today. Because of AOII, I feel confident, empowered, and most importantly, loved for who I am. These past two years have been full of fun-filled events, impeccable growth, loud laughter, and lots of love. Whether it be living in the sorority house with my pledge class sisters, taking a little, staying up all night before recruitment day, or simply just being in the presence of each other, my favorite memories from college have been the ones I have because of AOII. My sisters are the most gracious, loving humans in the world. They love me through my hard days and celebrate me on my good ones. I will forever be so thankful that I have gotten to be apart of something so incredibly special. If I could do it all over again, I would choose AOII time and time again. We are so proud of the place that we get to call home, and I hope you enjoy exploring our organization’s website and social media to get a better look into who we are here at Alpha Omicron Pi.

Miranda Blair